Copyright © 2004-2020

David Allen


As a principle, I believe in dealing with clients in an honest and straightforward manner. I am a manual therapist. I specialise in the release of muscular tension. My particular gift is a keen sensitivity that enables me to locate and successfully treat many previously unidentified conditions. I do not pretend to be able to cure the incurable, to heal medical conditions, or to replace the need for essential surgery. However, looking at the body in a holistic manner can lead to timely and appropriate treatment which can sometimes avoid the need for surgery arising at all.


I use my hands and a simple technique of functional analysis to locate muscular tension that is demonstrably affecting the body. I will not treat a patient in the absence of this clear justification. I do not claim to provide a complete medical diagnosis. In the case of any doubt or uncertainty, and in the presence of warning signs indicating the need for medical intervention, I will always refer the client to a specialist.


I never use high velocity impulse or “click” type manipulation, but I do use “mobilisation.” This is the restoration of the movement of joints without exceeding their normal range of travel.  This can work in combination with the release of muscle tension to achieve safer restoration of joint function.   The principles involved are similar to elements found  in the “Dorn Technique”, Mulligan mobilisations and aspects of “Rolfing”.


The location of pain felt by a sufferer is not always a good guide to the location of the problem. I believe in the principle of looking at the body as a whole in order to find and treat the cause of any particular dysfunction rather than just its symptoms.

Very often people who suffer from chronic back pain may actually have unrecognised problems affecting their feet!  If they are unable to bear their weight equally on both feet they will twist the spine and pelvis in compensation.  The pain felt in their back or shoulder may recur following treatment and not be resolved until the foot plant has first been corrected.

Another example I find is that in the absence of an obvious cause, finger pains may originate from tension in the neck, and leg pains may originate from tension in the thoracic spine.  One reason for this can be that muscular tension close to the spine may compress a nerve, which in turn might cause a more distant muscle to pull into spasm and cause pain. As a consequence the pain can be felt more in the region served by the nerve than at the point of the original tension.


My principle is to treat any client with the minimum number of treatments necessary. I believe that it is my duty to minimise the cost of treatment by helping clients to help themselves. This could be by suggesting self treatments and exercise at home, or by minor lifestyle changes that may help prevent a recurrence of their problems.

Whilst a simple, recent problem may be dealt with in one or two sessions, a more typical course of treatment may be four to six sessions. Longstanding, chronic problems may benefit from a regular maintenance programme over a number of months.

Any treatment programme is always subject to review at any stage, and there is never any obligation to continue with the treatment.

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